
Another little boy is going to be "3"!! - Brooklyn Upsherin Photographer

We welcomed C. back into our studio with open arms.  Check out how much his hair has grown since his previous session.....  I'm not quite sure how his mommy is going to part with his hair.  It is sooo gorgeous.  With his easy smile & gorgeous eyes, he sure is a winner.  He was a delight to photograph.  Mazel Tov to the entire family on the simcha.

Fun In The Studio

Little Shloimy has grown up quite a bit...... and though he loves to see all of the photography equipment, the meters, flashes, lights, props, camera etc.  he no longer likes to be photographed.  Oh well,  come what may he still makes us laugh.

Check these out.

oh boy!!!  He was totally giddy!  What a boy! 

At first he wouldn't even look at the camera.

with a bit of coaxing & promises of some good lollipops ( his favorite) after the session .... we finally got him to look at the camera.

     then he really started acting up & started dancing on the chair.  What a sight!


The Little Princess - Part 2 - Brooklyn Baby Photographer

Here are some more pictures of this yummy girl!

There were lots of tears at first.

Little Malky was none too pleased with having her picture taken...... with lots of patience we went from this.... to......
"THIS"!!!  She was positively pleased with herself at this point.

Hats..... Change of clothing... I never agreed to this!

Can somebody save me from this please?????  

Hmmm...... now you gave me shoes to play with.... ok maybe just maybe we can relax a bit.

Shoes & Dolls for the girls...... cars & trains for the boys.... with just a little bit of patience we can capture the beauty of your child.  The inner beauty.  For every child is beautiful. 


Sneak Peak - "The Little Princess" is growing up..... - Brooklyn Baby Photographer

Well, well,,,,, it's high time we finally got this little girlie back in her for her second round of pictures.  Ooohhhh.... is she ever cute & boy has she grown....  Click here to see her newborn pictures.

Don't you just love her expression???  


Sukkos - Scenes from NYC

Just a couple of images from our chol hamoed adventures.

Can anyone guess what this is???  I thought it was pretty interesting.  It's the rain as seen through the subway window.    Cool HUH??

Street scene from NYC
We visited the NYPD Police Museum. These are all of the old telephones they used to use.

View of the Brooklyn Bridge from the (quite) new Brooklyn Bridge Park

Another view of the Brooklyn Bridge with it's crown in full view from the park.